I can't believe tomorrow you will be 27 months! Pierce you are amazing! you are a very smart, active, and spirited little boy. Every day you amaze me by the new things you say and do. i can't believe how blessed I am to be your mommy. The other night I was laying in bed just thanking him for allowing me to stay home with you and your brother. I would never change these precious moments that I have you boys. Since we no longer have tv I spend so much more time investing in you! I am so thankful for this!
Some of your new things are saying you "I like ....." Fill in the blank. Daddy and I were talking about going to the beach and you pipe in "I LIKE THE BEACH"! We both grinned and couldn't wait for you to say it again! you are saying so much now adays! You absolutly love to make your brother laugh that is one of my favoirte things. Your brother adores you and I think its mutual! Everynight we play make brother laugh for a good 30 minutes. you do kicks in the air, jump on the bed, throw things near brother and the laughter is like sunshine in the air! I adore you both!
Pierce one of my favorite qualities about you is that you love to make peopel laugh! That is your thing. We went to your friends Shayla and you and her were out in the sand box alone. Daddy was sitting on the porch listening to what was being said and he said you were doing everything you could to make her laugh. You adore her and I think you adore people in general! When she came in she had about 3 buckets of sand in her hair but I'm sure she was laughing!
You can now count to 10 all by your self! You love to sing. We have singing and dance parties all the time. One of my favorite times with you is in the car when we sing at the top of our lungs and dance! I love it! You are so silly! Well Pierce I adore you! Thank you for being mine for the last 27 months! I love you little boy!!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago