My Little boy you are officially over 10 months old! Boy you are one happy little wild thing. Everyday I look at you and I love you more and more. Since you have been on this earth so many things have happend. You have lived in 3 different places and probably a fourth before your first birthday. You are just so much fun.
Some things you are doing/have done.
- Went to your first pumpkin patch the one cold day we had in Florida and you LOVED it. You loved all the pumpkins and mama took lots of pictures.
- You now say mama a lot. Espcially when you are sad and you want some love.
- You say dada all the time :-)
- You love your little cousins and any other little kids. You adore playing.
- You still don't have seperation anxiety you love going to Sunday School at church and never cry.
- You still take 2 naps for a total of 3-4 hours a day. Atleast the days that mama is home.
- Grandma bell still takes care of you one day a week and you adore her and grandpa bell.
- You rock a mohawk everytime we go in public cause mama thinks its adorable. People comment how cute it is all the time so for the time being I will keep giving you one. Your just so darn cute!
- You walk about 95% of the time. When we are in Public people are shocked that you walk and how good you are.
- You went to sea World for the first time last Friday and you loved it. You loved all the reefs and fishes. Daddy said that we should have named you Reef like he wanted.. I love Pierce though :-)
- You are a climber... enough said.
- You love having your picture taken
- You eat more than anyone in the house LOL! You eat constantly. Mama always has a pile of cheerios ready for you at all times. You love table food you love your water. You really dont like baby food unless daddy lets you slurp it up.
- You have another cold. !!! AHHH This is the second cold in the last 2 months.
- You love people. I dont think you have ever met a stranger. Everyone comments how sweet and smiley you are this makes mama's heart smile. I hope one day you can use this gift to show Gods love.
- You really are just a joy to be around I fall in love with you more and more everyday and I can't wait to see what our future holds. I pray for you constantly and I hope you love Jesus one day as much as he loves you.
Little boy you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and your daddy. We adore you so much and we always wonder how we could ever love someone so much. Thank you for being you. We love you tons!
This...This is 55
6 months ago