Well it has been a crazy last week.... My poor dear husband was diagnosed with Shingles on August 27th. We finally know the reason for his constant chest and back pain. Basically he has had shingles on and off for the last few years but he finally had a rash out break. I was scared to death for our unborn child but the obgyn let me know that all is fine because the baby is protected by my antibodies. So hopefully all will be ok.
On August 28th we went to Panama City, FL for the birth of Kyle's 3rd nephew Ethan Colin. Unfortunately due to Kyle's shingles he was not allowed to really see the baby much less hold him or go into Kerri-Ann and Brian's home. I know it was a hard week for Kyle and I due to the circumstances. We got to spend time with his parents and his brother and sister-in-law as well as the twins.
We were very glad to be home though in our own room with our big bed and our good dogs. They are such good dogs!! Well my little baby Cash is doing well. I know he is growing like a weed in there. He is always kicking and punching me. Just this last week while up in Port St. Joe, Fl I got to see him actually kick on the outside. Kyle's mom actually saw him kick as well and it was soooo cool. I love seeing my little Cash in motion. I just can't wait till Kyle gets to actually see it. He seems to miss it every time he does it. OH well he will eventually. Its funny though I could sit for hours staring at my belly hope to catch a glimpse of a kick or a punch.
I go to the Dr. Tomorrow which is nothing new. I hope to convince my midwife to give me an ultrasound sooner than she had planned. I would really like to make sure that my Placenta is back in place where it shoudl be and that everything is going well. So hopefully my fingers crossed we can have one done early. I would like to have it done before our 1 year anniversary on October 6!!! Yea I love my hubby!
I have been doing pretty well though. No real morning sickness. Sometimes at night after eating I feel sick but I guess that is normal. Well I guess that is all for now. We are glad to have made it home safely and hoping and praying that Kyle's Shingles go away and that he feels a lot better very soon and that it never comes back. I praise God for my wonderful husband and my beautiful son!!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago